
Nov 5, 2012

BIG Announcement!


We've been making mysterious five hour road trips for the past five weekends now, and I've been too busy to blog.  Since I've had so little time for grocery shopping, we're even eating frozen pizzas (which is something I almost never do)...

Are you starting to wonder about us?

We've had some exciting news for a while now that we've been eager to share but couldn't.  Can you guess what it is?

Marshall accepted an assistant pastorate, and we will moving next week!  The position will be part-time to start out with, so he has been busy filling out applications and interviewing for other part-time positions.  He got the bank teller job that we were really hoping and praying for and put in his notice at his current job on Friday.

We are SO excited for the future!  We've spent so much time in our new town over the past month that it already feels like home.  It is four and a half hours closer to both of our families, and it's been such a treat to spend time with them during this process.

The church has a beautiful, enormous parsonage for us to live in, and we're working on fixing it up a bit.  We spent all day Saturday painting and working on the kitchen.  Stay tuned for pictures as we work our way throughout the house!

Right now, it's back to packing for me...


  1. Augh! That is awesome! Congrats to both of you! I can't wait to hear more!

  2. So glad to hear it is officially official! Praying for peace and rest amidst all the changes in the weeks to come :)
