Aug 25, 2013

What do you think?

Marshall preached a really convicting message this morning on Philippians 4:8, and I thought I'd make a printable for myself as a daily reminder to take every thought captive. It's something to remember every time I turn on the computer, tv, open a book, or even in daily conversation.

"You become what you think about most of the time." -Brian Tracy

Here is a printable version of Philippians 4:8 for you:

{click to print}

Aug 12, 2013

Grilled Guacamole

Yes, you read that correctly... grilled guacamole.

Why? Because we tried it, and it worked, and it was

If you like guac, you must try this before grilling season is over!

Grilled Guacamole
{click to print}

2 avocados, sliced in half and pits removed
1 large onion, sliced
3 romas, seeded and diced
one clove garlic, minced
olive oil
sea salt

Brush olive oil on the avocado flesh and on the onion sliced. Place on hot grill, and cook until nicely browned. Let sit until cool enough to handle.

Scoop the avocado flesh out of the skin and mash in a medium-sized bowl. Chop onion and add to bowl. Add tomatoes, garlic, and sea salt to taste.

We love to add a dollop of this to our Chili's copycat fajitas. Yum!