
Aug 27, 2012

Cake Batter Popcorn

Does anyone not like cake batter?

I've tried out several recipes lately (bark, pancakes, fudge, etc.) that call for boxed cake mix by the 1/4 or 1/2 cup. They left me with about a cup of unused cake mix in the bottom of the box, and I decided it was about time to use it up.  Poor us, having to finish off the last of the cake mix...

I thought I'd try it out in some popcorn, and it was pretty good!

It's incredibly easy:
1 bag popped popcorn
2 oz. white almond bark, melted
1/4 C dry white or yellow cake mix
2 T sprinkles

Whisk the cake mix into the melted almond bark.
Drizzle it over the popcorn and toss until coated.
Stir in the sprinkles before the almond bark hardens.

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