
Feb 27, 2013

Ballard Inspired Vintage Egg Printables

Have you seen Ballard's new spring collection? As always, they've got some great selections. I'm always looking for seasonal art inspiration, and these vintage egg prints caught my eye.

They look very similar to some free vintage egg graphics from The Graphics Fairy. If you haven't visited her site, it's a must see! She has uploaded thousands of free vintage images.

You can probably guess what's coming next...

Rather than spending $139 for a set of six prints (who needs six egg prints, anyway?), I downloaded TGF's vintage egg graphics and made my own for FREE!

I love them! They are just the right amount of "spring" without looking too cheesy or juvenile.

These are not my graphics to share, but if you head over to The Graphics Fairy, you can do an image search for "eggs" and pick some out for yourself.

Savvy Southern Style
Gingersnap Crafts
House of Hepworths
Tatertots & Jello
Dear Lillie


  1. The photos are simply elegant and super creative. Your post is so wonderful, I would love it if you would share it at our WIW Linky Party. I hope you can join us.


  2. So creative, tasteful, and smart!! They turned out just lovely!

  3. These are lovely! Definitely not cheesy!! Just a hint of Easter!

  4. very nice....I've been thinking of doing some subtle decorating for Easter--these might be just the thing!

  5. SO gorgeous! You did a great job. This is an awesome project! I hope you will consider linking it up to the Pinworthy Projects Party over at my blog, Just Us Four.

    1. Thanks so much, Shannah! I'm making my way over to your party now!

  6. So pretty! Good idea ;)
    Jamie ~

  7. Love these and the Graphics Fairy! I am definitely going to try this - thanks!

  8. This is so pretty! I love the egg printables! The vintage look is beautiful!
